Sunday, March 01, 2009

naaaaaame droppppping

Hey! I had a pretty good weekend. Went to Gardabani for the children's program, ended up staying the night at my friend Diana's house. Went and saw my friend Tarana's new baby (in Gardabani). Then came back to Tbilisi really early this morning and went to church with some other friends, Dan and Alla. That was pretty exciting, because I pretty much understood what the pastor was teaching.. not all words, but the main idea... and it was in Russian! (which I have not actually studied, just picked up from hearing it so much)... so that was pretty cooooool.

Tomorrow I'm going with Maia to turn in my application and do all the necessary stuff to get my one year (or hopefully two years this time) visa. Then off to visit Tia because it's her 7th birthday tomorrow!

Wow, I'm doing a lot of name dropping in this post. Too bad most of you don't know who these people are, because if you did I'm certain the name dropping really would be worthwhile and effective. :-)

I saw some of my street kids today in the metro (they're begging in the metro sometimes too). I saw how people were like so afraid to be close to them... and I thought it was so strange, because I really don't have any of those feelings at all. And it's so interesting to see how people look at me when I'm talking to them or kiss them (the typical Georgian greeting)... I hope it's some sort of "testimony" to both the kids and the people watching.

So, in honor of my lovely street sweethearts, here are some fo-toes.

Visiting their house (it's actually not a paradox that the street kids have "homes"... they rent small rooms/houses (not very nice, but liveable at least)... they are actually together with their families, many of the kids are related too... but they live this lifestyle of begging on the streets... it's very complicated and I'm only beginning to understand a little bit of it.)

This is the traditional way that they carry their babies (sometimes they have their little sister or brother with them, or some other relative).

Aren't they like incredibly adorable?? Larissa on the left, Esmira on the right.

We had one day where we gave out Operation Christmas Child gifts, and the parents came too! It was SOOO exciting to begin to build relationship with them! If we want the kids' lives to change, the parents have to change first. And up until now, we hadn't really met any of them... so this was a very cool day!

Aslan with his gift.

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