Friday, February 27, 2009

that would be E-Freight-ah,emphasis on the E

One: I am incredibly incredibly incredibly grateful for my Dad. He helps me with so many things while I'm over here. For example, doing my taxes. It's like taking away millions of degrees of stress for me that he does that. And he's just a great guy in general, really humble and I'm pretty sure he can fix anything (and that's a comforting thought).

Two: I'm also incredibly incredibly incredibly grateful for my Mom. I really feel free to be open and honest with her, and I'm so glad for that. And she cooks really good food. Also, she's funny and fashionable (seriously, when I'm home I "steal" things from her closet).

Three: I'm strangely longing to be in my hometown (Ephrata). Like, SO bad. Not forever, just for a visit. I realized that I didn't really know a lot about it, so I researched some. The population is less than 7,000... the total area is about 10 square miles... it was founded by some horse rancher man and it was named supposedly by a railroad worker who derived the name from the Biblical description of an orchard in the middle of a desert... also, during the settling times (like in the way olden days), it was not looked at as good settling territory because it's a semi-arid desert (this is all according to my friend, Wikipedia). All of these things fill my heart with such like .... almost pride in the fact that I came from this place. I cannot tell you how strange that is. In high school, my biggest desire was to live anywhere but Ephrata. But I guess things change after time.

Anyways, my dear Ephrata (and all of your inhabitants)-- I love you. :-)

And I really wish that I could eat some of my Mom's food right now...

1 comment:

sanctified by truth said...

effratuh misses you too! ;) isnt it so funny how while you're here, you hate it so much but once you are 'grown up' and have the choice to leave whenever you want to, suddenly its not such a horrible place to be!

wow. bella is freaking out right now, she needs to sleep but wont..i dont get it. ha ha 'kids these days..'