Sunday, December 28, 2008

something to say

I learned how to crochet hats and washcloths.

I'm pretty excited about that.

<-- I made this hat.

And I discovered that I can knit pretty fast (for me) too.

But all this knitting and crocheting is giving me a twitch in my right shoulder muscle. Hmmph.

I hung out with my Dad today watching and NCIS, or NSIC... whatever it is... marathon.

I also went into the Geesey guitar place and asked the owner to play like all of the interesting instruments he had in there. And he actually could for the most part. I was pretty impressed.

Also, when I came in he was like, "how can I help you?" and I said, "you can give me a free guitar..!" He laughed. Little did he know I was making a serious request. :-)

I'm gaining weight too. Hmmph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything you're doing in my country. Lots of respect...