Sunday, December 21, 2008


You know what I realized (re-realized....took a moment from denying....) that I'm entirely NOT patient. Like, not at all. And that's a real problem for me.

Also, I struggle to trust: people, myself, and still (if you can believe it after the amazing things He continues to do in my life and in the lives of those around me)--God.

And I learned that I really shouldn't watch "Extreme Makeover- Home Edition" because it makes me cry.

But back to the serious stuff...

I can see though, that God has brought me a long way in both of those things. I remember back in the day with my friend Tawna (like when I was in high school and such) and we'd be having conversations about God and about knowing Him more and living out of that knowledge, and I was so impatient. I wanted to be in that perfect place of knowing Him NOW. I didn't want to go through any of the things that would cause me to grow into that place. I just wanted to be there in that very moment.

I'm grateful though that He either quenched or just eradicated some of that impatience and He's helped me to make it this far...and it's been quite a long road.

So, I'm trying to hold onto that past experience and knowledge and walk through these days with that in hand, heart and mind. I don't want to waste my life by always looking forward to what will be--and missing what's in front of me.

That rhymed, didn't it? Catchy.

SOOO... Lord, please help me.

In other news, it's snowing A LOT. Ginormous amounts. This is what the window in my room looks like:

But thankfully, we have those base board heater things, so I'm not freezing to death. Just my window.

Okay, I love you guys! Thanks for reading and being interested in what's-a-happening.

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