Monday, April 09, 2007

a bit random

So, someone hacked into my myspace like a day or two ago. And it really makes me wonder why they do it. They just like posted a couple bulletins with advertisements or something. And it was strange. But I changed my password and made it really hopefully they won't be able to get in for a little while at least.

I leave Georgia in 10 days. It's coming so soon. But I think it really helps that I know that I am going to be coming back...but still, I know so much is going to change while I'm gone and that's a little weird. But I guess the same thing happened when I left the States. It's all just really strange. But you know, I think that God is really preparing me for coming back (to the States). Just with different situations and stuff. And with different struggles that are coming up all of a sudden. But I really realize that I really need to remember these two things:


With love covering them both.

inside an orthodox church

Last night I was writing in my journal, and I realized that lately I've been writing a lot of wants (or don't wants). Like: "I want to be ______", or "I don't want to be ______". And I don't know why. Maybe it's so I can remind myself of those things when I look back in my journal later. I hope that it works.


And last night I had a really strange dream(s). Really.

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