Sunday, November 30, 2008

note(s) to self

If you ever have a house that you decorate (either you're living in it for a long period of time, or you own it)--NEVER decorate with silk/plastic flowers. No questions, just don't do it. This is merely a cleaning resolution...remember trying to dust those things? Does not work well. And real flowers are prettier anyways.

When and if you have the joy of being pregnant, do not wear long shirts. They do not accentuate the bump in the middle and are not very pleasing to the eye (when pregnant). This is not written because of anyone specific, just observations have proven this to be true.

Please, don't dye your hair ever again. Not that it's wrong, but just don't do it. When you go gray, wear it proudly. And hopefully your body will benefit from choosing not to expose yourself to the massive amounts of chemicals that are in hair dye.

Talk with your children (if they ever exist), find out who they are. You may have given them DNA, and you will influence them by your presence--but they have a unique God-given personality that you need to discover and encourage. Talk. Spend time with them. Love them for who they are.

Actually, do the above with all people (even though you probably won't be DNA related with most of them).

Surrender everything to God, always. Every desire, dream, plan, failure, striving, stress, joy, success... you get the picture. Seriously, you will waste your life if you hold onto things that you cannot control. Either by emotionally traumatizing your body or by just wasting your time.

Note(s) to self.

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