Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So you know, internet is back!

Actually, it has been for a few days...so you would think that I maybe would've posted something. But now, I waste my internet time on facebook and news.

And so today I had the slight whim to write something semi-meaningful here, but now after an hour and half of doing non-blogging things, it's left and I can't really imitate what would have come out in the moment of inspiration. So sorry.

But I think part of my problem, is that I have no idea what kind of audience I'm writing too--like a real one or an imaginary one that comes along with signing up for a blog (like the one that you think/hope reads your blog...but that doesn't really exist). And not that I would necessarily change a lot about my writing...but I think there's some more inspiration when I know that my words are read and enjoyed.



Cora said...

I read your blog even though you don't know me. Disturbing to think a stranger is reading about your life huh :P? I found your site through YWAM Tbilisi as I know Dennis and served on staff with him for 3 years in Russia. I enjoy reading about the missionary life because it is something I miss A LOT and hope to return to someday. Keep writing!

Unknown said...

I often wonder if people read my blog or if I'm talking to myself...because no one leaves comments. Then I realize I never comment on anyone else's?

So there you go, Love, I pay attention to you and I love you and it's nice to have a window into your life.
