Saturday, November 17, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about trust lately.

And this is something I'm beginning to learn: Trusting God is not just about trusting that He will help me to survive the 45 minute van ride from Gardabani to Tbilisi (when the driver is dodging in and out of traffic, oncoming cars, people, etc...and speeding), or trusting that He will help me find a great husband. It's also about trusting that He will work in the people AROUND me, just as much as He's working IN me.

I know He's got a handle on things (did I use that idiom correctly? I can't tell). But I find that I think (sometimes) that I can cause people to have revelations of God. Like if I do my best to put them in a certain situation, then maybe they will have their "wake-up call" and change their lives. Or if I say/don't say something then maybe they will feel convicted. And thoughts similar to those. But really, I don't know what these people are really thinking or what is really inside of their hearts, because they only show me what they choose to show me. And it's not always truth (just like I don't always show the truth about what's inside of me, although I try to very often). God is the only one that knows. Not me. Not YOU (I say that to "engage" you a little more in this post)! And if I see that He is working in my life, then I can TRUST that He is working in other peoples' lives too.

God is ultimately clever.

Sometimes it's hard, because I want everyone to be okay and for us to all have happy lives. It's hard to watch other people go through difficult times. It's hard for ME to go through difficult times. But difficulty usually brings change. And change is good, as much as we fight it.

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