Wednesday, November 21, 2007

--- I ---

I want to write a lot! Of interesting things. Of "spiritual" things. Of something. But to pour something out, you have to first put something in. I think that's a pretty basic law of living. Not that I'm totally empty everyday, but I just feel a bit like that today. Lack in my responsibilities. Lack in my faith + endurance to stand up against temptation. Lack in my fullness of God's love (and therefore searching for other, temporary means of filling that hole).

I know it won't last forever, and I really praise the Lord for that. But that empty feeling still goes down to like the depths of yourself, all the way through everything inside.

I can't understand how people can live like this for their entire lives. And I can understand how people can live like this for their entire lives. It's really not a paradox.

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