Saturday, November 17, 2007


I'm beginning to think that you can usually tell when a book is going to be good/helpful by two criteria. 1) In the introduction the author gives the credit to God, in a very sincere way. 2) There are a lot of references to Bible verses, so it encourages me to read it.

And so I've determined that this book I've started reading, "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard J. Foster, will be good. But, to know for sure I will have to wait until I finish the whole thing to understand what I really think about it.

But I really like this passage, and it's only in the first page of the introduction:

"It is a wonder to me how God uses squiggles on paper to do his work in the hearts and minds of people. How are these squiggles transformed into letters and words and sentences and, finally, meaning? Oh, we may congratulate ourselves on knowing a little about the function of neurotransmitters in the brain or about how endorphin proteins affect learning and memory retention, but if we are honest, we know that thinking itself is a mystery. Doxology is the only appropriate response."

I think that I will like it.

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