Sunday, July 08, 2007


I was walking home from the grocery store and I was thinking. You know, in America we ask each other "how are you?" and I think the number one response is something like, "good" or "fine thanks". And I think the second response is something like, "good, but tired". And I realized that America is really tired.

We're constantly running. Constantly producing. Constantly pushing for results or profits or something. And we need to rest.

What if they shut down the freeways for a day and declared it "National Rest Day"? People would freak out, because they think life can't go on if something isn't being done. But the reality is, life can go on. And it's kind of enjoyable to take a break once in a while. You know what I mean?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. If they had that day of rest people would use it as another day to get overtime. I mean, we already have saturday and sunday.