Monday, October 01, 2007

the fragrance

Hooray, it's the first day of a new month, and the first day of a new week!

So, I woke up this morning totally dazed and confused. I can't even explain the feeling. I think it partly started with my sleeping. I woke up at 3:30 originally...but then I went back to sleep until like 9 (:-O!) and it somehow really confused my brain. Then I got up, and there were people here and I didn't understand how they got in (the door was padlocked, I didn't know they had a key). And then I received a weird message on Facebook that I didn't understand, "You're the Woa Man". And a funny SMS, "Questions. What time are you coming here? Can you lead worship? Do you know the Chicken Dance?"

But I'm better now.

I met a really sweet Georgian girl yesterday at the church we went to. Her name is Ana, and I think her and her sister are going to come to our fellowship meeting tonight. Ana knows some English, but not very it's good for both of us to be around each other. I can practice my Georgian, and she can practice her English! :-) And she plays guitar and sings, so we have that in common. It's cool to make new friends!

So, I feel like there is a lot of sort of spiritual attack happening here at the base. But I was really encouraged this morning by Nino, she's the owner of Vazi (the place I'm living). She told me that sometimes when she wakes up in the morning she feels attacks, or pressures. But she says, "No. God, I know that you have big plans for me for this day. Please help me to see it." (This is my interpretation of it. We communicate with each other in broken English/Russian/Georgian!). But, it was really encouraging. The end of my time in the States was really busy, but since I've arrived in Georgia, I've mostly been resting and adjusting...and it's hard! Sometimes I wake up and feel so purposeless. But, it's not true. Everywhere we go, everything we do has potential to be used by God.

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

So this is my life. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,
A brief comment,then I have to go.If you want me to relay anything at class,let me know.L & D are at the table with me-class going well.
I,m prayin for you and totally agree-everything in your pathway has purpose and guided by Him-so I'm encouraging you in this:>)Know our arms of love are around you.

As an FYI-there've been many recent answers -surprises from Him-in personal life--and lots of new growth in son:>-will try to send you email next chance I get.
Love goes your way


Anonymous said...

gamarjoba Jenni :)
I cdnt see u yet but am happy u r back and hope to see u soon :)
have a good week :)