Sunday, October 28, 2007

layouts and lobio

This week we had a DTS outreach team from Bulgaria here...and it was so fun to have them!! To have Vazi (the place I live) filled up with people, like during DTS, and to make new friends. It was very cool. Now they are in Ushguli Svaneti, it's like the highest village in Georgia in the Caucasus mountains or something like that. PRAY FOR THEM!

Me, I'm doing good. Wondering a bit why hardly anyone responded to my latest update...hoping they didn't forget me!! But keeping busy, so I'm not too lonely. :-) Last night I cooked some "lobio" (beans) and they were pretty tasty. Success! And also last night a girl flew in from Canada...she's Georgian, actually Russian, and she was in Canada for like 4 years, and her visa ran out she's back! She's staying with me and it's been cool to get to know another person! Still fighting this cold a little bit. It's not bad, there are just some lingering symptoms. But I'm sort of tired of people asking, "Are you sick? Do you have a cold?", because it seems like that's what people asked for the 5 months I was in America, and now too. Oh well. At least I'm decently healthly.

It's getting colder and more grey in Tbilisi now, as it's turning to winter. But the trees still have some color on them, so that helps a lot!

I'm trying a new layout for this blog, but I'm not too sure if I like it a whole lot yet or not. The header picture came from this blog, check it out. I added the words and cropped it, but he takes some really good pictures, you should look!!

Well, I have a meeting to I'd better go.


1 comment:

Buddhuza said...

Layout is great, espcially the header. And you have one lucky employer :)