Sunday, January 10, 2010

late night ramblings from my mobile phone

It's late, but I can't sleep. My mind is running around apartments, as I lay in a half-conscious state. I think the coffee I drank at 9pm affected me... though I hate to admit it. I'm from Washington state, the birthplace of Starbucks- and I'm losing my caffeine tolerance??! Unbelievable!

Well, here I try again... to sleep, that is.

Oh! We found an apartment by the way! It feels like a miracle. It's bigger, cheaper, nice landlord, contract signed, some money paid... move in by Friday. :-)

1 comment:

Fabio Matias said...

nice ur blog jeni!
just surfing on the web,came across "y" gerogia website and wondering i also would like to know all those countries around. black sea, and georgia has its coast with caspian sea as well,and tbilisi in the centre though.may God bless ya and all our brothers there!namaste from mumbai!fabio-brazil