Tuesday, January 19, 2010

for the first time?

Life is so deep. I mean, when I don't think about it, I can just float through and not really realize the depth of things. But when I stop to think about it...

Like, I realized (quite a while ago, but the realization seems to come and go) that when I walk around and I semi-interact with hundreds (maybe even thousands) of people a day...in the metro, on the bus, at the bazaar, etc... I most of the time don't really give each of those people the full acknowledgment of their person-hood. I don't think about what kind of childhood they had, what talents they are gifted with, what kind of day they're going through at the moment, etc. I think mostly about their interaction with me... either they're in my way, or they're trying to sell me something overpriced, or they are kind and I appreciate them.

But when I think about my life for example, I feel that it's pretty complex and deep and important. I have an interesting past, and interesting life, I go through tons of emotions and experiences that I find to be very significant. .... And to realize that the people around me have the same weightiness to their lives... it for some reason really brings another depth of life that is quite unexplainable. And I don't even really know what to do with it. But it intrigues me.

The terrifying this is, I wonder if I'm just so proud -(thinking I'm a better person than the rest, or that me and what I have and think is more important) - that this is a common realization/understanding that every healthily humble person has and that I'm just now waking up to it...

... ?

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