Saturday, July 26, 2008

God really works things out.

I don't know why all of a sudden these days I'm in like updating-my-blog-mood, but I guess it's good for you guys. :-)

So right now Marina & I are in apartment finding mode because we need to move out of this house by August 27th (the kind family who let us stay here while they were in America is returning on the 28th). And today we found the most "magari" (cool) apartment. Seriously! It's newly remodeled, not 100% Western, but a lot more Western than most Georgian apartments. It has 2 bedrooms, one for me and one for Marina. A cute living room. A super cute bathroom. The lady is going to buy a washing machine. There's hot water. AND it's like 5 minutes from our current YWAM office, also the place where we will hold our DTS! So I'm very excited!!

It's also really interesting, because yesterday we looked at an apartment, and it was nice, but not totally what we needed, but I was really tempted to say, "ok!! we'll take it." because I was thinking that we wouldn't find another and our time is running out. But God really worked things out and it's so exciting. We still haven't given a 100% sure yes to the lady yet, because although I'm like 99% sure, we were advised to wait just a bit to make sure it's the right choice. And so we'll call in the morning and let her know.

Anyways, just wanted to share that news!! Please be praying for us though, that we will for sure make the right choice. And also it will be more expensive to live there, so I think I will need some more finances. And we will be in a new neighborhood (well, not a new area, but a new apartment building, and in Georgian culture relationships are VERY important), so I'm sure we will have a lot of new people to get to know. But it's way cool and I am dzalian mixaria (very happy!!).

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