Sunday, August 27, 2006


well, Ukraine was great. i already sent out an email about it, so i won't write more.

like 2 days ago, the staff for DTS came. their names are andrew and caitlin. they're young, and recently married, but very cool. it's still kind of a little awkward you know, because they're adjusting, and now i'm adjusting to having them live in vazi too (it's good like preparation for DTS).

i can't write a whole lot because i'm about to leave to go to church for worship practice, but i wanted to write something.



Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,
Sure do miss you.Today I went to church with Lynn and Don who so graciously have taken me pretty much since I came home from rehab.I can drive now so soon will be going to church on my own.I have so enjoyed being with L and D and Daniel also.Amazing how this all came about.
I now have DSL and some crucial parts of my computer are fixed so if you receive this,I can know I can keep in better touch with you.I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all your letters which I've been able to retrieve and I can see you are both discipling and being discipled-my heart fills up with joy for what God is doing in your life and what a testimony you are to others.My He bless your heart deep down!!--Blessed be His name:>)
I will send this now to test it out and check back to see if you received it.I will also try your email box--
Sending hugs with love,


Anonymous said...

Morning Jenni, It is good to hear from you. It is amazing to see what God is doing in and through you. He has Mighty Plans for you, one that go farther than you can even imagine right now. I praise Him for you and I praise you for listening and obeying, that my dear friend is faith! It is action, may you draw closer to Him. Love ya and miss ya, we will be in Tbilisi in about 2 1/2 weeks so I can hardly stand waiting. See you soon Mich Var Char