Saturday, January 12, 2008

i can't even think of a good post title

Oy mey guys, the thought of sitting down and actually writing a blog post is nearly torturous to me... my brain is so full of thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc... and for some reason I've really lost the ability to just be free and write about what's happening in my life, really.

(That was a really long first sentence.)

In a lot of things, I feel more free than before, but for some reason I feel less free in this: communicating via blog, email, phone, etc. Really, it's like... horrible. I don't know if maybe it's the pressure of being a "real missionary" now, or if it's just me "growing up a little" and my focus is on other things. But whatever it is, I really don't like it. I like feeling free to write and to communicate in a real way, not with pretense.


Anonymous said...

Listened to the Christmas concert from you again...what a joy to hear the words and see your peaceful in the mist of your cold! the Lord is tapping you to seek deeper living water, I can understand the challenge of keeping up the blog and "just" living everyday. Thank you for sharing, for being real and for allowing us to be part of your prayer cover and mission.
God is showing more of Jesus through you. May you continue to hold Him fast and hold forth all that He shows forth from His God breathed Word and from the God breathed people around you. Hugs, N

Anonymous said...

Hey "real" Missionary! Watch your choice of words. We ALL 'really' are missionaries. You are Jenni. And you were hired as Jenni, not "Jenni the REAL missionary". So Chill out a little bit. Stop worrying about your title, and just do the work you were sent to do.
You want to live up to your own idea of what a missionary is supposed to be like. Well, that is just YOUR idea. God's idea seems to be something more along the lines of someone like Jenni Cook.