Monday, August 20, 2007

i could never be happy... an atheist.

My bottom is numb from sitting on the floor for too long. It's 5:57 AM, and I still haven't gone to bed. I took a nap today, but I didn't think it was satisfying enough to cause me to stay up this late.

I'm leaving on Thursday for a road trip to CA with some of my friends.

Until then (and hopefully after then), I'm really trying to manage my time well. But I'm not sure if staying up until 6 in the morning is a very good management of time. Hmm...

I'm struggling a lot with having faith. And it's pretty exhausting. But, there are those times when I am so fully convinced that God IS, and I'm clinging to that. I know that things aren't going to be easy as I'm getting ready to leave for Georgia, so I'm also clinging to the hope that it will relent, at least for a while, sometime soon. I could never be happy as an atheist. But there is so much that is trying to push me in that direction. But there is so much to keep me where I am.

I am tired of being pulled! But at the same time, I'm glad that I am. Comprendo?

Oh Lord, I know that you know what I think I need.

Not enough words to describe what I'm thinking/feeling now. But maybe that's okay. It would probably sound better/be more accurate if I was rested.

"I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8

1 comment:

Te said...

God bless you Jan!! Always clinge to him! and always remember that He is our Father and He loves us and needs some love from us too.and you have a great love for life and people! it is amazing and the most important i think! you love the human beings, God's sons as they are! you are kind jan and God will help you to live this life by His path!
p.s.sorry for some grammar's midnight and i dont have enough brain-memory active :)