Friday, December 05, 2008

angels and bazaars.

very beatufil kind angel???
Yes, I did just get this message + friend request from a guy on Facebook named "fa ze".

I guess I'll take that as a compliment, but I did not accept his Facebook friendship offer--sorry fa ze.

Yesterday I went with my Dad to a Christmas bazaar in Odessa. It was pretty cool. Two of my Aunts were there too, and one of my Uncles. My Aunt Lois taught me how to crochet. My Uncle Dave kept threatening to pull the string on the scarf I was knitting (which would therefore unravel it all). But I had a really great day.

My Dad is so cool, he designs all these wooden toys and makes them and sells them at bazaars. Here's a picture or two.

Getting things set up

Dad with his toys

A closer view

Me with Dad (we sat at this table from like 9am-7pm)

It was a great day!


Unknown said...

Not everyone realizes that Odessa is a city in Eastern Washington. I thought your Dad came to visit you in Georgia and you went to the Odessa there. But then I'm a bit slow.

Anonymous said...

Crazy! "Odessa" and "BAZAAR"??? For a split second I thought your Dad was Russian or Ukrainian =)))
When are you coming to visit real Odessa (and me)?