Monday, December 29, 2008

I will never be a light unless I turn myself to You...


It's just hard saying goodbye for extended periods of time. My question now is, "why can't it get easier?"

I'm not leaving the U.S. yet, but I am moving on from my parents and hometown. And it's not even over there. I'll be in Everett for another week, and have to say goodbye to all those people too. It's so emotionally not easy doing this.

Lord, I need your help. A lot of it. I need reassurance that what I'm doing is valuable and worthwhile, and that there is something greater than the difficulty and pain.

Sometimes I wish I could go spend a weekend in like, Narnia or something. Just take a break from life, not indefinitely... just temporarily. Be totally free from everything (emotions/physical burdens, hindrances, weaknesses, pain).

But I understand that I can't, so I'll do my best to be here NOW. And be grateful for what's around me instead of focusing on the pain and the difficulty. That's what I'll do.

So, in line with gratefulness:

I had a great time in the States. Seeing people. Spending time with my parents. Having fun. Eating amazing food. Continuing to learn some incredibly valuable lessons about God's character and life. I feel like I've been refreshed and have a new energy to do what I was doing before, but with more of me. I love my life. I love what I do. I love the people in my life (regardless of the frequency of our meetings). I love who God made me to be. I love who God is (even though I don't even have a glimpse of the complete image of Him and His character). I discovered some sweet new music. I re-increased my English vocabulary (even though that will be most definitely temporary). I was totally encouraged by peoples' interest and care in my happenings and by their prayers and seeking-God on my behalf.

And I believe good things will continue to happen, even tomorrow. Even in a week. Even in a month. And God will give me strength in spite of pain and difficulty.

Father God, thank you.

1 comment:

Wade and Megan said...

I pray the last bit of your time in the states is good. I don't know if anyone would say it gets easier to say good-bye, unless you choose to shut out all the feelings. I wouldn't recommend doing that. I'm praying for you! I know it is hard and my heart hurts for you and with you.