Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mid-Life Crisis...

I feel a bit like I'm having a mid-life crisis. Is that normal?

I'm heading out on Wednesday for Kobuleti, for a summer project with the Campus Crusade people. It will be for one week. Just so you know.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeniko,

i wish u refresh an renew season :)

Much love dear,


Anonymous said...

How are things going, Jenni?
We haven't heard too much out of you lately.
So, I would think that someone in your situation, traveling the world, meeting and blessing all sorts of people, doing what you like in a place you like to be, most people probably would not have mid-life issues with this. Mid-life is for guys like me. In our mid-life. With nothing to do and no where to go. That would be most people. You, on the other hand, well, nothing is too surprising there. But, you know, that is one of the reasons we love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,
Susan Atwell here.I just posted a note under your pic of "Me -and the Black Sea" but wondered if you would go back to check so am saying so here!
I'm sending you a hug and prayers on wings-esp for your journey this week.I continue to check in on this site-and know He IS keeping you.